Is laser eye surgery painful?

Is Laser Eye Surgery Painful?


Laser eye surgery has become a common choice to reduce their dependence on glasses and contact lenses. The procedure, which involves reshaping the cornea using a laser, has a high success rate and can significantly improve vision. However, one common concern that many potential patients have is whether laser eye surgery is painful. Let us explore the pain associated with LASIK, what to expect during and after the procedure, and the factors that can influence the level of discomfort.

The Procedure

 LASIK is a relatively quick outpatient surgery, usually taking around 15 minutes for both eyes. The steps involved in LASIK include:

  1. Numbing the Eye to minimize the discomfort.
  2. The surgeon creates a thin, hinged flap in the cornea. This step may cause a slight pressure sensation but should not be painful.
  3. Once the flap is created, the surgeon reshapes the cornea to correct your vision. During this part of the procedure, you may experience some pressure and hear clicking sounds from the laser, but it should not be painful.
  4. After reshaping the cornea, the surgeon will carefully replace the corneal flap.
  5. You’ll be asked to keep your eyes closed for a short period to allow the flap to heal.

Pain and Discomfort

The level of pain or discomfort experienced during LASIK varies from person to person. For most patients, the procedure itself is painless due to the numbing eye drops administered before surgery. The discomfort is usually minimal and may be described as a mild pressure or a feeling of something touching the eye. Patients may also hear clicking or popping sounds, which can be unsettling, but they are not associated with pain. The reshaping of the cornea is typically painless.

It’s important to note that any discomfort experienced during LASIK is generally short-lived and should subside once the procedure is complete. After the surgery, you may experience some minor itching, burning, or tearing as your eyes start to heal, but this can usually be managed with over-the-counter lubricating eye drops.

Factors Influencing Pain Perception

Several factors can influence an individual’s perception of pain during LASIK:

  • Anxiety
  • Patient Sensitivity
  • Surgeon Skill and Technique
  • Technology and Equipment
  • Post-Operative Care
  • Individual Variation

Post-Operative Discomfort

While the LASIK procedure itself is typically painless, you may experience some discomfort in the hours and days following surgery. This discomfort is generally mild and can include symptoms like:

  • Dryness
  • Light Sensitivity
  • Blurry Vision
  • Halos and Glare
  • Mild Pain or Discomfort

It’s important to follow your surgeon’s post-operative instructions meticulously to minimize these symptoms and ensure a smooth recovery process.


In summary, LASIK is not a painful procedure. The use of numbing eye drops before surgery and the precision of the excimer laser make the procedure itself virtually painless for most patients. The discomfort experienced during LASIK is typically minimal and temporary, with any post-operative discomfort being manageable with proper care and medication.

So, if you’re considering LASIK eye surgery, which is known for its minimal discomfort, Laxmi Eye Institute and Hospitals in Navi Mumbai emerge as an excellent choice. The institute’s proficient team of eye specialists, combined with cutting-edge technology, ensures a streamlined and virtually painless LASIK experience. Their commitment to providing advanced eye care without unnecessary discomfort makes Laxmi Eye Institute and Hospitals a preferred destination for individuals considering LASIK surgery. Rest assured, choosing this institute means opting for a procedure that prioritizes your comfort while paving the way for clearer and more comfortable vision.